Sanjay Kumar, sir, has done it all. He has been a part of the Indian Army and worked with the Intelligence Bureau, with postings in different parts of the country, focusing on operational and administrative duties.
He is the best person available in the country to guide you for IB (Intelligence Bureau) examinations, having accomplished it all himself.
Nobody can guide you for this examination like Sanjay sir, as he cleared it in his first attempt, served in the agency, and is best suited for your academic and interview needs to join the Intelligence Bureau.

Exam level: National
Conducting Body: Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA)
Mode of examination: Online
Exam Levels: ● Paper 1 (Objective)
● Paper 2 (Subjective )
● Interview
Language of exam: Hindi,English
Age eligibility: 18-27 Years
Intelligence Bureau Assistant Central Intelligence Officer (IB ACIO)
IB ACIO examination conducted under the authority of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA)
The Exam is conducted as per the vacancies, information of which is circulated through official notification released by Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA)

Why should you join SAVDA for IB ACIO (II) Programme?
SAVDA (Shaurya and Vivek Defence Academy) provides aspiring IB candidates best IB mentorship/coaching programme under the direct supervision of Ex IB ACIO II(MHA) SANJAY KUMAR who himself has been part of the prestigious Intelligence Bureau and is the best person in the country to guide you.
What makes SAVDA the leading institution of India for IB ACIO examination is the round the clock factors such as best faculty, full coverage of Syllabus, weekly tests,step by step guidance by Sanjay Sir, supportive eminence, catering all the requirements as per exam pattern
As per previous year trends the exam is conducted around the month of January / February
Duties and Responsibilities as IB ACIO Officer
Intelligence collection and dissemination.
Perform as security advisor to the state and the central government.
Along with domestic intelligence, IB is also tasked with intelligence collection in border areas.
To keep an eye on threat potential activities within India and neighboring countries.
Education Qualification
The candidate must have completed graduation from a recognized university
The candidate must have a good knowledge of basic computers

Examination Step and Pattern
Mode of exam
Type of exam
No. Of Questions
Maximum Marks
No. Of sections
Time Allotted
Negative Marking
60 minutes
Mode of exam
Type of
No. of sections
Maximum Marks
Time allotted
Negative Marking
60 minutes
Maximum Marks
Paper 1
English Language— Direction sense test, Vocabulary,Clauses, Spot the error, Spelling correction, Adjectives, Improvement, Idiom & phrases, Verbs, Grammar, Fill in the articles, Synonyms and antonyms, One-word substitution, Passage, Verbal comprehension passage, Detecting misspelled words, Sentence structure
Analytical Ability Reasoning— Blood relation test, Series completion, Analogy Character puzzles, Classification, Series,Analytical reasoning, Pattern completion Chart logic, Image analysis, Data sufficiency, Logical sequence of words Seating arrangement,Direction sense test
Logical Reasoning— Figure matching ( verbal and non-verbal), Pattern matching,Odd one out, Analytical problems, Blood relations, Missing letters, Observations Statements and conclusions
Quantitative Aptitude— Number System, HCF & LCM, Simple interest, Compound interest, Time and work, Average, Train and boats, Mensuration, Profit and loss, Ratios and proportions, Mixture and allegations, Probability, Statistical Probability
General Awareness— Current Affairs National and International, World events, Political news, Events of national importance, India History, Economy, Weather, Climate
Paper 2
Essay writing and comprehension / Precis writing—Emergency trends in India, Internal & External Security issues, cultural diversity of the country, National & International issues, Miscellaneous issues
Candidates must practice the basics of grammar, and precise writing and should focus on current affairs daily
Selection Process
The candidates have to appear in Paper 1 & on the basis of their performance & normalization of marks in Paper 1 candidates will be shortlisted for Paper 2
In the next step on the basis of candidates combined performance for Paper 1& Paper 2 candidates would be shortlisted for the interview round
Based on the result and marks of all the three stages, the candidates would receive final selection.